Saturday, February 22, 2025

Video games are changing my life

Ever felt like someone else is playing with the remote control of your life? Especially when you’re about to do something really stupid? Even when you know you’ll regret it right after your 15 minutes of fame (read instant gratification)?

In those moments, I picture the one playing me not knowing how to upgrade his character. Like he can’t find the settings button and exchange all the points he made into new features. A better me. Or maybe he is just new at this game. And he just can’t get through to the next level. And that is why I keep making the same mistakes. My therapist said this is just another lame excuse for my lack of responsibility. And yes, he was aware of the fact that I’m not the first to claim we live in a computer simulation.

And even if I’m right, you still need to take matters into your own hands and use the rules of the game to your advantage. How? Pretend it’s all a video game. And you’re fighting for your avatar’s life.

This video was brought to you via Better Ideas.



Harvey Black
Harvey Black
Yes, I'm old school. I have good manners. I open the door for a lady. I'm romantic & gentle at times. I respect all women and genuinely provide compliments. For some it might seem like a weakness, but my chivalry leaves women breathless. It's no right or wrong way, it's just the gentleman way.

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